Veterans Village: A Project Update
- All of the first four homes now have their beautiful metal roofs in place.
- Sneak peak of the master plan of the neighborhood. This is not the final plan, but is a work in progress. Take note of the Memorial Circle, this is where the flagpole and engraved bricks will be located. The square nearer to the water is a gazebo and sitting area for the community.
- On the interior all cabinets, countertops and appliances are in…all of the laminate flooring is finished as well.
- Meet Reed and Michele – Reed served in the Coast Guard and was a light house tender in Michigan during two summer seasons of his duty. During his duty Reed and Michele met while dancing one evening and were married two years later. They were both born and raised in Rochester New York and moved to Florida in 1979 with their two children. As people of faith, they are actively involved with their church in Umatilla – so having the opportunity to move to Umatilla was a great blessing. Lee Owen, Habitat Board President introduced them to the project and now here they are!
What’s Next?
- In June we will be dedicating the homes for our first set of homeowners and celebrating them! We hope you can join us.
- In late June we will be laying the foundation for the next four homes.
- We will be finalizing the Master Plan and all the floors plans by our last round of building in December.
Interested in coming out for a tour?
Give Danielle a call 352-630-3318
Want to come out and volunteer?
Give Carlos a call 352-483-0434 Ext 119