Sponsor of the Month: The Community Foundation of South Lake
Thanks to the generosity of the Community Foundation of South Lake, Habitat for Humanity of Lake-Sumter will be able to provide critical repairs to low-income homeowners in the South Lake area.
The Community Foundation of South Lake has awarded Habitat Lake-Sumter a $20,000 grant in support of the Preservation and Repair program.
Preservation & Repair has become a vital way Habitat Lake-Sumter addresses the affordable housing need in our community, annually providing access to home repairs and critical improvements for 45 families and individuals.
Critical home repairs increase the safety and accessibility for low-income homeowners who are unable to keep up their home by themselves due to age, disability, or family circumstances and struggle to maintain the integrity of their homes; through Preservation and Repair, we ensure that the families who partner with us have housing that will be safe, secure, and a decent place to live.
Due to the economic impact of Covid-19, Habitat Lake-Sumter faced a significant decrease in the number of families we could serve through Preservation and Repair. However, because of the generosity of the Community Foundation of South Lake, we will be able to provide critical repair services to families in vulnerable housing situations. We look forward to working with the Community Foundation of South Lake to bring safe and stable housing to more families in 2021!