Hometown Habitat News

Sponsor of the Month: Mount Dora Community Trust!

mount dora community trust volunteers and family 2022

Martha is a life-long resident of Mount Dora, Florida and has owned her home since 1979.  When describing her neighborhood, Martha shares memories about her family’s first home on Jackson Street and when Downtown Mount Dora was made up of “two hardware stores and a general store”. Needless to say, Martha has been witness to a lot of growth and change in her city.

Martha family’s history and connection to the area began when she was a child and her father worked for the City of Mount Dora. Her family has stayed close, with her sister living in their old family home. Martha raised her own children in the home she is living in now. For Martha, Mount Dora is truly home.

But this past June, Martha’s air conditioning broke. Among a series of repairs needed to her roof, overhanging trees, and damaged windows, Martha said the broken air conditioning was difficult and not good for her health, “I couldn’t breathe. The house was too hot, I would come and sit in the car for A/C,” says Martha.

Martha heard about repair work that the city of Mount Dora had available and decided to find out if she could receive help. With grant funds from Mount Dora Community Trust and matching funds through the City of Mount Dora, we were able to partner together to replace Martha’s A/C in August.


Mount Dora Community Trust partnered with Habitat for Humanity of Lake-Sumter and the City of Mount Dora to invest in revitalizing the Northeast district of Mount Dora, FL.

As part of Habitat Lake-Sumter’s Preservation and Repair program, Mount Dora Community Trust has sponsored a total of $30,000 to be re-invested into the City of Mount Dora for an output of two critical home repairs. Mount Dora Community Trust’s grant provides access to Mount Dora’s matching CRA funds for a community benefit of $60,000.

Through Habitat Lake-Sumter’s Preservation and Repair program, cost-burdened homeowners, like Martha, can update the homes they already own by receiving repairs to increase the safety, accessibility, and beauty of the home. This allows Habitat Lake-Sumter to help maintain the affordable housing stock in our community and ensure that everyone has a decent place to live. 

Martha’s roof was replaced prior to Hurricane Ian, so she was safe at home. With HVAC replacement also complete, Martha’s home will receive a fresh coat of paint and interior repairs, including cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom re-model with accessibility modifications. Martha spends her time gardening and when her orchids bloom, she likes to bring them inside. She says the plants come alive and don’t give her too much trouble.

“It would have taken years to save enough money to get the home back to where it needed to be, I don’t think I could have done it,” says Martha. Since the roof and HVAC replacement, Martha says it’s easier to breathe. “I’m not stressed out by how am I going to get this done,” she says, “I’m going to be so happy after the repairs are complete. Like the flowers – Ahhhhh….” Martha breathes a sigh of relief.


To learn more about this partnership or Habitat for Humanity’s programs contact Lacie@HabitatLS.org at 352-483-0434 Ext. 146.

This grant was made possible by the generosity of Mount Dora Community Trust.  Since 1972 the Trust has collected funding for local educational, charitable, and benevolent projects and purposes. The Trust provides outreach programs to schools, charities and civic causes through the generous actions and financial support of Mount Dora residents and businesses committed to promoting the community’s unity and prosperity.